Today we went to the Versailles. It was the old home of Louis XIV – XVI (XIV = 14 and XVI = 16). There are lots of pictures of the Louiss in the old palace. Compare the first Louis, Louis the 14 to his successor, Louis the 16. They both have the arrogant air about them, but Louis the 16 just doesn’t have the confidence (or the neck strength) to keep his head on his shoulders. Louis The 16 was unfortunate enough to be the king during the French revolution. During the French revolution, citizens stormed the Versailles and fought for the declaration of the rights of man. Later, during the reign of terror the aristocrats heads were chopped of by a guillotine. THE GARDEN IS HUGE!!! IT’S EVEN BIGGER THAN THE PALACE!!! AND THE PALACE IS HUGE!!! The fountains are amazing! I wonder how they got water spouting out from the ground in those days.