Today we went to the Arć de Triomph. This isn’t, and I repeat IS NOT a history lesson, but I would like you to know a little bit about the “Acc de Trumph” ( my brother’s words, not mine). The Arć de Triomph was built in Napoleon’s time. Napoleon built it as a monument for soldiers who had died in a war. When we got there, we climbed to the top, climbed back down, and took pictures.
Here is a little rhyme I made up:
Humpty Dumpty’s great great great grandfather sat on the Arć de triomph.
Humpty Dumpty’s great great great grandfather had a great fall.
All Napoleon’s horses and all Napoleon’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty’s great great great grandfather back together again. 😉
Ha ha! Like your rhyme Fin.