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California Beach Favorites

TO-DAY I am posting my first blog post since November 2015. And. . . . . . . . . (drumroll please) This is a special post. It is top 5 favorite things to do at the beach!

First, I interviewed Sherry, my mom:


So, Sherry, what are your favorite things to do at the beach?

1. Go boogie boarding with my sons, which has especially become more fun since we got wetsuits.

2. Explore the tide pools, especially on days when we find an octopus.

3. Go for long walks at the beach in the morning.

4. Go kayaking.

5. Eating Doc Burnstien’s ice cream so-goods (ice cream sandwiches) at the beach.


Interview with Fisher, my 6 year-old brother:

So, Fisher, what are your favorite things to do at the beach?

1. At Rocky Beach, I like to catch crabs.

2. Go riding out in the waves.

3. Eat Doc B’s ice cream sandwiches.

4. Play Star Wars with Fin. Boy, i’m touched.

5. Catch sand crabs.


My Favorite things to do at the beach are:

1. Go boogie boarding

2. Catch sand crabs

3. Eat Doc B’s so-goods

4. Find crabs

5. Kayak